
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of McCollum. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
McCollum, Charles 1833   Davis, Nancy E McCollum, Henry Jr. Hunter, Mary Elizabeth
McCollum, Hariett 1836     McCollum, Henry Jr. Hunter, Mary Elizabeth
McCollum, Henry Sr. about 1760 1830 McCauley, Jane McCollum, John
McCollum, Henry Jr. 1800 between 1850 and 1860 Hunter, Mary Elizabeth McCollum, Henry Sr. McCauley, Jane
McCollum, James H       McCollum, Henry Sr. McCauley, Jane
McCollum, Jane     Taylor, John McCollum, Henry Sr. McCauley, Jane
McCollum, John   before 1810  
McCollum, Joseph 1836 14 October 1861   McCollum, Henry Jr. Hunter, Mary Elizabeth
McCollum, Levi 1793   Nelson, Eleanor McCollum, Henry Sr. McCauley, Jane
McCollum, Margret between 1811 and 1820   Reeves, George Washington McCollum, Levi Nelson, Eleanor
McCollum, Mary between 1794 and 1799 31 October 1846 Marshall, Joseph W McCollum, Henry Sr. McCauley, Jane
McCollum, Matthew 1832     McCollum, Henry Jr. Hunter, Mary Elizabeth
McCollum, Randolph about 1820     McCollum, Levi Nelson, Eleanor
McCollum, Rosannah     Faucett, Thomas, McCollum, Henry Sr. McCauley, Jane
McCollum, Thomas 1829     McCollum, Levi Nelson, Eleanor
McCollum, William between 1788 and 1792 before 1830 Carroll, Polley McCollum, Henry Sr. McCauley, Jane
McCollum, [Living]       McCollum, William Carroll, Polley