
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Gottsch. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry 8 March 1897 13 November 1994 Huber, Mary Mabel  
Gottsch, Bernard George Pat 1925 28 June 2002   Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, Betty Jean 1928 22 May 2001   Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, Opal Mylet 12 March 1919 5 July 1998   Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, Robert Glenn 10 September 1926 28 June 2002   Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, Rosemary Ann 3 February 1935 2 August 2005   Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, [Living]       Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel