
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Candler. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Candler, Daniel 1695 1765 Fiske, Hannah Candler, Thomas Tuite, Jane
Candler, Daniel 1753 18 June 1810   Candler, John Gibson, Elizabeth
Candler, Ellender 1756 1800 Burris, William Candler, John Gibson, Elizabeth
Candler, Hannah 9 February 1765     Candler, John Gibson, Elizabeth
Candler, Henry 22 June 1769 1806   Candler, John Gibson, Elizabeth
Candler, James 1761 3 January 1826   Candler, John Gibson, Elizabeth
Candler, Jane 1762 1807   Candler, John Gibson, Elizabeth
Candler, John 1732 18 September 1802 Gibson, Elizabeth Candler, Daniel Fiske, Hannah
Candler, John 9 February 1765 18 September 1832   Candler, John Gibson, Elizabeth
Candler, Thomas 1637 1716 Tuite, Jane Candler, William Villiers, Anne
Candler, William 1582 1608 Fiske, Hannah  
Candler, William 25 September 1608 1680 Villiers, Anne Candler, William Fiske, Hannah
Candler, William 1751 4 August 1836   Candler, John Gibson, Elizabeth