
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Guthrie. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Guthrie, Bette N 1852 7 February 1863   Guthrie, Jackson Shelton, Mary Frances
Guthrie, Jackson 27 June 1818 24 March 1904 Shelton, Mary Frances  
Guthrie, Malissa 1849     Guthrie, Jackson Shelton, Mary Frances
Guthrie, Martha O 10 September 1846 27 March 1923 Crumpler, Irvin T Guthrie, Jackson Shelton, Mary Frances
Guthrie, Mary A V 1843 14 February 1857   Guthrie, Jackson Shelton, Mary Frances
Guthrie, Roberta G 1845     Guthrie, Jackson Shelton, Mary Frances
Guthrie, Susan Francis 11 July 1848 14 July 1894 Crews, Rufus William Guthrie, Jackson Shelton, Mary Frances