
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Cochrane. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Cochrane, Bessie       Cochrane, Curtis Maxwell Hoylman, Grace Mae
Cochrane, Curtis Maxwell 12 April 1900 1 November 1989 Hoylman, Grace Mae Cochrane, John Curtain Neeley, Florence Mae
Cochrane, Emmet 1907     Cochrane, John Curtain Neeley, Florence Mae
Cochrane, Gordon 1899     Cochrane, John Curtain Neeley, Florence Mae
Cochrane, John Curtain August 1868 20 October 1939 Neeley, Florence Mae  
Cochrane, Norma August 1897     Cochrane, John Curtain Neeley, Florence Mae
Cochrane, [Living]       Cochrane, Curtis Maxwell Hoylman, Grace Mae
Cochrane, [Living]       Cochrane, Curtis Maxwell Hoylman, Grace Mae
Cochrane, [Living]     Jennings, Carroll Cochrane, Curtis Maxwell Hoylman, Grace Mae