
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Steele. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Steele, Christopher July 1899     Steel, Elijah Newton Hicks, Mattie
Steele, Ezekiel 1891     Steel, Elijah Newton Hicks, Mattie
Steele, James Samuel 23 February 1866 15 January 1987 Reichenbach, Elsie Marie, King, Gladys R, , Grace Steel, Elijah Newton Hicks, Mattie
Steele, John H March 1893     Steel, Elijah Newton Hicks, Mattie
Steele, John Harvey 14 September 1876 20 December 1953   Steel, Samuel Spears, Almeada
Steele, Martha E 1857     Steel, Samuel Spears, Almeada
Steele, Mary E 1855     Steel, Samuel Spears, Almeada
Steele, Pearl L January 1899     Steel, Elijah Newton Hicks, Mattie
Steele, Pleasant Atwood 18 November 1870 4 January 1935   Steel, Samuel Spears, Almeada
Steele, Ruth Arlene 14 January 1924 28 June 2017 Noyes, Raymond Earl, Costanzo, Emanuele Victor Steele, James Samuel Reichenbach, Elsie Marie
Steele, William February 1890     Steel, Elijah Newton Hicks, Mattie