
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Price. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Price, Donald Gene 18 July 1950 7 October 2018   Price, Glen W Rasmussen, [Living]
Price, Florence Leona 16 February 1877 3 July 1948 Hoylman, John Lorenzo Holman, Reuben Scot Holder, Nancy Elizabeth
Price, Glen W 16 January 1927 16 June 2000 Rasmussen, [Living]  
Price, Martha 1770 15 March 1846  
Price, Susannah 1784 1850 Tusing, John  
Price, [Living]       Price, Glen W Rasmussen, [Living]
Price, [Living]       Price, Glen W Rasmussen, [Living]
Price, [Living]       Price, Glen W Rasmussen, [Living]
Price, [Living]       Price, Glen W Rasmussen, [Living]
Price, [Living]       Price, Glen W Rasmussen, [Living]