
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Armentrout. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Armentrout, David 1 March 1809 12 July 1887   Armentrout, George Smith, Catherine
Armentrout, Delilah 1816     Armentrout, George Smith, Catherine
Armentrout, Elizabeth 1772     Ermentraudt, Johan Heinrich Miller, Mary Catherine
Armentrout, Elizabeth 1784     Ermentraudt, Johan Heinrich Miller, Mary Catherine
Armentrout, George 25 October 1774 9 January 1839 Smith, Catherine Ermentraudt, Johan Heinrich Miller, Mary Catherine
Armentrout, George Smith 3 March 1815 10 May 1879   Armentrout, George Smith, Catherine
Armentrout, Jacob 1787 1860   Ermentraudt, Johan Heinrich Miller, Mary Catherine
Armentrout, Joel 17 November 1804 7 March 1893   Armentrout, George Smith, Catherine
Armentrout, John April 1778 10 April 1825   Ermentraudt, Johan Heinrich Miller, Mary Catherine
Armentrout, John Smith 3 November 1800 7 April 1857   Armentrout, George Smith, Catherine
Armentrout, Malinda 1811 June 1880 Hoylman, Adison Sidney Armentrout, George Smith, Catherine
Armentrout, Margaret 1782 4 September 1799   Ermentraudt, Johan Heinrich Miller, Mary Catherine
Armentrout, Martha J 16 November 1818 1904   Armentrout, George Smith, Catherine
Armentrout, Mary Ann 1795 January 1870   Armentrout, George Smith, Catherine
Armentrout, Mary Catherine 4 July 1791 30 April 1843   Ermentraudt, Johan Heinrich Miller, Mary Catherine
Armentrout, Nicholas 15 August 1780 28 September 1828   Ermentraudt, Johan Heinrich Miller, Mary Catherine
Armentrout, William Lewis 24 December 1820 1902   Armentrout, George Smith, Catherine