
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of McPherson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
McPherson, Adele 12 December 1872 28 December 1938 Allen, Chauncey Scott McPherson, Damasse Bouvier, Adelaide
McPherson, Alexander Sandy 1670 April 1716 , Elizabeth  
McPherson, Amalie 1848     McPherson, William (Guillaume) Leduc, Mathilde
McPherson, Damasse 20 September 1842 28 December 1911 Bouvier, Adelaide McPherson, William (Guillaume) Leduc, Mathilde
McPherson, Gedeon 1849     McPherson, William (Guillaume) Leduc, Mathilde
McPherson, Josephine 1845     McPherson, William (Guillaume) Leduc, Mathilde
McPherson, Mathilde 1843     McPherson, William (Guillaume) Leduc, Mathilde
McPherson, Odele 1847     McPherson, William (Guillaume) Leduc, Mathilde
McPherson, William 26 February 1877 10 March 1912 Platt, Carrie McPherson, Damasse Bouvier, Adelaide
McPherson, William (Guillaume) 1814   Leduc, Mathilde,  
McPherson, [Living]     DePuy, [Living] McPherson, Damasse Bouvier, Adelaide