
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Nye. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Nye, Beatrice 2 November 1902 13 September 1994   Nye, Prof. Fernando Cortez McCauley, Bessie Grey
Nye, Col Glenn Carlyle 25 January 1912 31 December 1953   Nye, Prof. Fernando Cortez McCauley, Bessie Grey
Nye, Kemp Battle 16 December 1915 28 April 1994   Nye, Prof. Fernando Cortez McCauley, Bessie Grey
Nye, Prof. Fernando Cortez 17 September 1874 31 July 1945 McCauley, Bessie Grey  
Nye, Robert Bruce 1 February 1905 23 October 1966   Nye, Prof. Fernando Cortez McCauley, Bessie Grey
Nye, [Living]       Nye, Prof. Fernando Cortez McCauley, Bessie Grey