
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Booth. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Booth, Alonzo 27 November 1844 7 October 1862   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, Anthony 8 June 1884 4 March 1906   Booth, Benjamin Franklin Plymale, Mary Jane
Booth, Benjamin Franklin 3 November 1842 3 August 1884 Plymale, Mary Jane Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, Benjamin Isaac 18 August 1877 15 September 1960   Booth, Benjamin Franklin Plymale, Mary Jane
Booth, Charles 26 April 1736 25 August 1826 Whitby, Jane  
Booth, Charles 1775 24 October 1821 Ferguson, Elizabeth Booth, Charles Whitby, Jane
Booth, Charles 9 May 1822 14 December 1902   Booth, Charles Ferguson, Elizabeth
Booth, Charles Johnson 5 May 1861 16 June 1936   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, Elizabeth 1812 1854   Booth, Charles Ferguson, Elizabeth
Booth, Elizabeth jane April 1929   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, Ferguson 10 October 1799 14 February 1876   Booth, Charles Ferguson, Elizabeth
Booth, Freelon Hysel 1866 28 January 1941   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, Hester Ann 1838 28 August 1840   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, Jamison W 11 January 1820 11 November 1896 Garrett, Cynthia Ann Booth, Charles Ferguson, Elizabeth
Booth, Jane 1801 1826   Booth, Charles Ferguson, Elizabeth
Booth, Jefferson 24 November 1815 December 1904   Booth, Charles Ferguson, Elizabeth
Booth, Jefferson 26 September 1840 1921   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, Jefferson 19 December 1871 12 February 1955   Booth, Benjamin Franklin Plymale, Mary Jane
Booth, John Morgan 1869 1939   Booth, Benjamin Franklin Plymale, Mary Jane
Booth, John Wesley 1810 30 March 1880   Booth, Charles Ferguson, Elizabeth
Booth, Jonathan 12 December 1805 9 February 1887   Booth, Charles Ferguson, Elizabeth
Booth, Martha A 25 July 1867 10 September 1876   Booth, Benjamin Franklin Plymale, Mary Jane
Booth, Mary Elizabeth 13 October 1874 9 January 1923 McCoy, Lorenzo Dow, Cullen, George T Booth, Benjamin Franklin Plymale, Mary Jane
Booth, Mary F 7 November 1876   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, Melissa 31 July 1882 1947 McCoy, John Bee Booth, Benjamin Franklin Plymale, Mary Jane
Booth, Melton August 1860   , Carrie  
Booth, Milton J 7 July 1881   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, Oliver B 17 March 1880 6 June 1936   Booth, Benjamin Franklin Plymale, Mary Jane
Booth, Prudence 1858 8 December 1878   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, Sarah 1 February 1854 23 February 1926   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, Thomas 1808 1887   Booth, Charles Ferguson, Elizabeth
Booth, William Oliver 25 January 1847 29 November 1930   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Booth, jameson Wesley 17 March 1864 6 February 1951   Booth, Jamison W Garrett, Cynthia Ann