
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Shumate. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Shumate, Dorsey 13 February 1887 January 1972   Shumate, Peter Conrad Lester, Rachel Isabella
Shumate, Norbert March 1889     Shumate, Peter Conrad Lester, Rachel Isabella
Shumate, Peter Conrad 11 December 1857 December 1934 Lester, Rachel Isabella  
Shumate, Sturling April 1884     Shumate, Peter Conrad Lester, Rachel Isabella
Shumate, Willard August 1886     Shumate, Peter Conrad Lester, Rachel Isabella
Shumate, Zula November 1895     Shumate, Peter Conrad Lester, Rachel Isabella
Shumate, [Living]       Shumate, Peter Conrad Lester, Rachel Isabella