
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Stafford. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Stafford, Compton 1805 1880 McCoy, Eleanor, Brewer, Eliza Stafford, John Miles Runyon, Nancy
Stafford, Compton 25 February 1854 4 August 1854   Stafford, Compton McCoy, Eleanor
Stafford, Harrison 1839   Stafford, Compton McCoy, Eleanor
Stafford, Henry 1839     Stafford, Compton McCoy, Eleanor
Stafford, Hiram 1844   Stafford, Compton McCoy, Eleanor
Stafford, John 2 August 1855 12 November 1858   Stafford, Compton McCoy, Eleanor
Stafford, John Miles 1751 1831 Runyon, Nancy  
Stafford, Lavicy 1849     Stafford, Compton McCoy, Eleanor
Stafford, Mary Ann 1809 1870 McCoy, Randolph  
Stafford, Monteville 1845     Stafford, Compton McCoy, Eleanor
Stafford, Robert 1871     Stafford, Compton Brewer, Eliza
Stafford, Sarah A 1838 1855   Stafford, Compton McCoy, Eleanor
Stafford, Thomas 1843     Stafford, Compton McCoy, Eleanor