
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Bottorff. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Bottorff, Andrew 15 September 1813 4 January 1880 Mills, Elizabeth Bottorff, John Henry Hoke, Elizabeth
Bottorff, Andrew Jackson 30 June 1840 4 March 1933   Bottorff, Andrew Mills, Elizabeth
Bottorff, Armilda Ellen 26 July 1838 13 April 1880   Bottorff, Andrew Mills, Elizabeth
Bottorff, Daniel H 1849     Bottorff, Andrew Mills, Elizabeth
Bottorff, David Monroe 8 May 1849 10 April 1852   Bottorff, Andrew Mills, Elizabeth
Bottorff, Ella A about 1880 28 September 1961   Bottorff, Erastus Barton
Bottorff, Erastus Barton 26 July 1851 15 May 1927 Bottorff, Andrew Mills, Elizabeth
Bottorff, Frances 1902      
Bottorff, Frances Iona 28 December 1904 9 November 1965 Mortenson, Charles W Bottorff, Francis E Bouvier, Ina May
Bottorff, Francis E 24 August 1872 26 January 1917 Bouvier, Ina May Bottorff, Thomas Walter Purdo, Esther A
Bottorff, John Henry 6 September 1777 6 May 1867 Hoke, Elizabeth  
Bottorff, Marion Milburn 10 August 1842 18 October 1912   Bottorff, Andrew Mills, Elizabeth
Bottorff, Ruth Emma 20 May 1844 9 April 1916 Allen, William Henry Bottorff, Andrew Mills, Elizabeth
Bottorff, Thomas Walter 12 May 1846 9 October 1899 Purdo, Esther A Bottorff, Andrew Mills, Elizabeth
Bottorff, [Living]       Bottorff, Thomas Walter Purdo, Esther A
Bottorff, [Living]       Bottorff, Thomas Walter Purdo, Esther A
Bottorff, [Living]       Bottorff, Thomas Walter Purdo, Esther A