
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Mills. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Mills, Byron J 26 April 1922 December 1973   Mills, John Silas Hoylman, Laura Belle
Mills, Calista Margaret 20 November 1903 9 September 1954   Mills, John Silas Hoylman, Laura Belle
Mills, Doris 27 April 1911 29 January 1945   Mills, John Silas Hoylman, Laura Belle
Mills, Easter Dollie 9 April 1909 26 April 1909   Mills, John Silas Hoylman, Laura Belle
Mills, Elizabeth 26 May 1815 6 March 1900 Bottorff, Andrew  
Mills, Iva Mae 12 December 1893 15 May 1969 Fahnholz, August Carl Mills, John Silas Hoylman, Laura Belle
Mills, John Silas 1 April 1865 8 August 1943 Hoylman, Laura Belle Mills, John Washington Warden, Mary Elizabeth Lee
Mills, John Washington 12 August 1836 5 February 1910 Warden, Mary Elizabeth Lee  
Mills, Ona January 1896     Mills, John Silas Hoylman, Laura Belle
Mills, Violet L 6 January 1896 26 June 1918   Mills, John Silas Hoylman, Laura Belle
Mills, [Living]       Mills, John Silas Hoylman, Laura Belle