
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lodes. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Lodes, Anna 6 September 1876   Lodes, George Lodes, Johann Laurenz Thiem, Catharina
Lodes, Fred G 22 February 1897 6 September 1969 Baer, Fay Agnes Lodes, George Lodes, Anna
Lodes, George about 1871 31 May 1957 Lodes, Anna Lodes, Johann Laurenz Thiem, Catharina
Lodes, Johann Laurenz 12 May 1839 11 January 1913 Thiem, Catharina  
Lodes, Johann Laurenz 12 May 1839 11 January 1913 Thiem, Catharina  
Lodes, Russell G 20 March 1925 24 November 2010 Lodes, Fred G Baer, Fay Agnes
Lodes, [Living]       Lodes, George Lodes, Anna
Lodes, [Living]       Lodes, George Lodes, Anna
Lodes, [Living]       Lodes, George Lodes, Anna
Lodes, [Living]       Lodes, George Lodes, Anna