Arizona, County Marriage Records, 1865-1972

Publication information Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Lehi, UT, USA; Date: 2016;


    1. Persinger, Michael M
    2. Birth, Persinger, Michael M
      1. Persinger, Michael M (1866-1933)
    1. Ferguson, Alice Virginia
    1. Birth, Ferguson, Alice Virginia
      1. Ferguson, Alice Virginia (1872-1931)
    2. Ferguson, Alice Virginia
    1. Persinger, Michael M
    2. Ferguson, Alice Virginia
    3. The 1900 census shows Alice O'Brien (married but also head of household) with her daughter Ruth, Michael Persinger (whom she would soon marry) and two others. What became of James O'Brien is unknown. [Feb 2012] Persinger's occupation is 'R.R. Fireman'
      1. Persinger, Michael M (1866-1933)
      2. Ferguson, Alice Virginia (1872-1931)
    1. Persinger, Michael M
    1. Persinger, Michael M
    2. Ferguson, Alice Virginia
    3. The 1900 census shows Alice O'Brien (married but also head of household) with her daughter Ruth, Michael Persinger (whom she would soon marry) and two others. What became of James O'Brien is unknown. [Feb 2012] Persinger's occupation is 'R.R. Fireman'
      1. Persinger, Michael M (1866-1933)
      2. Ferguson, Alice Virginia (1872-1931)