This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Brittany. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Brittany, Alan de | 1000 | 1 October 1040 | Blois, Bertha de | |
Brittany, Emma De | 1034 | 1094 | BRUSSE, Robert De | Brittany, Alan de Blois, Bertha de |
Brittany, Ermengarde | 1067 | 1 June 1147 | Fergant de Brittany, Alain IV | |
Brittany, Gerberge de | about 925 | 5 May 1012 | Rennes de Bretagne, Juhelde Berenger II Duc | dArles, Theobald Comte Lotharinga, Bertha of |
Brittany, Godfrey Geoffrey Berenger I | 20 November 1008 | Normandy de Brittany, Hawise Hedwig de | Roucy, Ermentrude De | |
Brittany, Matilda De | 1043 | 21 April 1136 | Deincourt, Walter I | Bretagne, Eudes de I Cornwall, Agnes Canhiart |