
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Montagu. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Montagu, Alexander de Signeur de Bussy 1250 1296 Noyers, Agnes De Montagu, Guillaume "William" De I Seigneur (Count) of Montagu Sombernon, Jacquette de
Montagu, Alexandre de Bourgogne de 1170 6 September 1205 Rion, Beatrix de  
Montagu, Anne De 1330 1424 Grey, John de Montagu, William de Grandison, Catherine de
Montagu, Edward Lord Justice Boughton 1532 26 January 1602 Harrington, Elizabeth Ellinor Montague, Edward I Lord Chief Justice Roper, Elenor "Helen"
Montagu, Edward de 1309 14 July 1361 Plantagenet, Alice of Norfolk Montagu, William de 2nd Lord Montagu Keeper of Abingdon Abbey Seneschal of Gascony Montfort, Elizabeth de
Montagu, Elizabeth de 1325 31 May 1359 Briene, Guy De V Montagu, William de Grandison, Catherine de
Montagu, Guillaume “William” De I Seigneur (Count) of Montagu 1222 about 1300 Sombernon, Jacquette de Montagu-Chagny, Eudes de I Courtenay, Elisabeth de
Montagu, Joan de 2 February 1349 12 June 1375 Ufford, William de Montagu, Edward de Plantagenet, Alice of Norfolk
Montagu, John 1397 1425 Holcot, Alice Montagu, Thomas Bassett, Christian
Montagu, John De 1295 14 August 1317 Verdun, Joan de Montagu, William de 2nd Lord Montagu Keeper of Abingdon Abbey Seneschal of Gascony Montfort, Elizabeth de
Montagu, John De 1327 25 February 1390 Monthermer, Margaret De Montagu, William de Grandison, Catherine de
Montagu, Philippa de 5 January 1332 5 January 1381 Mortimer, Roger de Earl of March Montagu, William de Grandison, Catherine de
Montagu, Sibyl de 1339 30 January 1344 Fitzalan, Edmund Montagu, William de Grandison, Catherine de
Montagu, Simon de 1st Lord Montagu Custodian of Corfe & Beaumaris Castles Captain & Governor of the Fleet 1238 26 September 1316 Saint Armand, Hawise de, Aufrich, Isabella Montague, William de West Lulworth, Bertha van
Montagu, Simon de 1353 25 February 1389 Boughton, Eleanor Montagu, John De Monthermer, Margaret De
Montagu, Thomas 1375 5 January 1400 Bassett, Christian Montagu, Simon de Boughton, Eleanor
Montagu, Thomas 1574 1592 Malthouse, Margaret Montagu, Edward Lord Justice Boughton Harrington, Elizabeth Ellinor
Montagu, William 1425 1455 Bouling, Margaret Montagu, John Holcot, Alice
Montagu, William de 2nd Lord Montagu Keeper of Abingdon Abbey Seneschal of Gascony 14 May 1275 18 October 1319 Montfort, Elizabeth de Montagu, Simon de 1st Lord Montagu Custodian of Corfe & Beaumaris Castles Captain & Governor of the Fleet Saint Armand, Hawise de
Montagu, William de March 1301 30 January 1344 Grandison, Catherine de Montagu, William de 2nd Lord Montagu Keeper of Abingdon Abbey Seneschal of Gascony Montfort, Elizabeth de