This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Huntingdon. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Huntingdon, Ada | 1139 | 11 January 1206 | Holland, Floris of III | Huntingdon, Henry De Warenne, Ada de |
Huntingdon, Alice Adeliza de | February 1076 | 1126 | Toeni, Raoul De | |
Huntingdon, David De Earl | 1143 | 17 June 1219 | Kevelioc, Maud Hawise De Meschines | Huntingdon, Henry De Warenne, Ada de |
Huntingdon, Henry De | May 1114 | 12 June 1152 | Warenne, Ada de | Scotland, David of I Saint Huntingdon, Matilda of |
Huntingdon, Malcolm IV King of Scotland | 20 March 1141 | 9 December 1165 | Huntingdon, Henry De Warenne, Ada de | |
Huntingdon, Margaret De | 1148 | 11 January 1204 | Bohun, Humphrey De III, Bretagne, Conan de IV | Huntingdon, Henry De Warenne, Ada de |
Huntingdon, Margaret de | 1162 | 1262 | Flanders, Baldwin de Sir LeFleming De Biggar | Huntingdon, David De Earl Kevelioc, Maud Hawise De Meschines |
Huntingdon, Marjorie | 1152 | 1213 | Crist, Gille | Huntingdon, Henry De Warenne, Ada de |
Huntingdon, Matilda | 1152 | 1152 | Huntingdon, Henry De Warenne, Ada de | |
Huntingdon, Matilda of | 1072 | 23 April 1131 | Scotland, David of I Saint, St Liz, Simon Earl de (Senlis Saint Liz) | |
Huntingdon, Maud de | 1194 | 6 January 1233 | Monmouth, John De | |
Huntingdon, William De I | 1143 | 4 December 1214 | Beaumont, Ermengarde de |