
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lee. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Lee, Abigail 20 August 1762 15 April 1819 Crow, Reuben  
Lee, Anne 1580 1620 Cecil, Thomas  
Lee, Baney Madena 11 November 1885 29 May 1965 Stillwell, William E., Holmes, David R.  
Lee, Elizabeth 1610 28 February 1659 Taylor, John  
Lee, Fulke 1458 1540 Cornwall, Alice Leigh van Rushell, Richard John Sprencheaux, Margery
Lee, Henry 1571 6 April 1631 Wortley, Eleanor  
Lee, Isham Bailey 22 August 1818 1 March 1904 Weathers, Mary Alice  
Lee, Margaret 1506 1520 Williams, Reginald Lee, Fulke Cornwall, Alice
Lee, Phebe Lea 1753 1826 Wright, John  
Lee, Thomas 1512     Lee, Fulke Cornwall, Alice
Lee, [Living]     Gothard, [Living]  
Lee, [Living]     Montgomery, [Living] Jackson, [Living] Olson, [Living]