
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Halyburton. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Halyburton, George 1481 1534 Ogston, Janet Halyburton, William Ogilvy, Elizabeth
Halyburton, Janet 1503 1560 Drummond, George, Ruthven, William Halyburton, George Ogston, Janet
Halyburton, John Lord Dirleton 1442 1504 Rattray, Elizabeth Halyburton, Walter Chisholm, Katherine
Halyburton, Mariot 1511 26 February 1563 Home, George  
Halyburton, Walter Lord Dirleton 1360 1443 Stewart, Isabel Halyburton, William John Dirleton Cameron, Margaret
Halyburton, Walter 1409 May 1447 Chisholm, Katherine Halyburton, Walter Lord Dirleton Stewart, Isabel
Halyburton, William 1455 1523 Ogilvy, Elizabeth Halyburton, John Lord Dirleton Rattray, Elizabeth
Halyburton, William John Dirleton 1335 1402 Cameron, Margaret Haliburton, John Vaux