
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Nägele. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Nägele, Anna Katharina 31 January 1839 16 April 1900 Rapp, Georg Michael Nägele, Georg Adam Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea
Nägele, Anna Magdalena 23 March 1845 24 March 1845   Nägele, Georg Adam Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea
Nägele, Eva Margaretha 19 September 1836 19 April 1837   Nägele, Georg Adam Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea
Nägele, Georg Adam 15 March 1803 22 October 1881 Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea Nägele, Nicolaus Hecker, Magdalena
Nägele, Georg Ludwig 11 March 1849   Nägele, Georg Adam Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea
Nägele, Johann Jakob 6 April 1846   Nägele, Georg Adam Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea
Nägele, Johanna Elisabetha 5 April 1830 16 April 1900 Schober, Jakob Nägele, Georg Adam Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea
Nägele, Leonhard Ludwig 26 September 1828 27 May 1829   Nägele, Georg Adam Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea
Nägele, Magdalena Elisabeth 1 October 1842 18 November 1905 Schrumpf, Friederich Nägele, Georg Adam Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea
Nägele, Margaretha 24 October 1840   Kalbrunner, Franz Ludwig Nägele, Georg Adam Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea
Nägele, Maria Barbara 23 October 1831 7 October 1891 Schuppel, Johann Martin Nägele, Georg Adam Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea
Nägele, Nicolaus 13 October 1776 21 January 1838 Hecker, Magdalena  
Nägele, Nikolaus 21 June 1834 1881   Nägele, Georg Adam Wolpert, Katharine Dorothea