
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wake. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wake, Baldwin 1137 29 September 1198 Hommet, Agnes Du Wake, Hugh DeClare, Emma Fitzgilbert
Wake, Baldwin 1183 13 July 1224 Briwere, Isabel De Wake, Baldwin Hommet, Agnes Du
Wake, Baldwin le “Lord Bourne” 1236 5 February 1282 Quincy, Hawise De, Beauchamp, Ella De Wake, Hugh Lord Winterbourne Stuteville, Joan De
Wake, Geoffrey 1065 1142 Wake, Hugh Le
Wake, Hugh 1101 1176 DeClare, Emma Fitzgilbert Wake, Geoffrey
Wake, Hugh Lord Winterbourne 1210 18 December 1241 Stuteville, Joan De Wake, Baldwin Briwere, Isabel De
Wake, Hugh about 1240 31 May 1315 Wolverton, Joan De Wake, Hugh Lord Winterbourne Stuteville, Joan De
Wake, Hugh Le 1030 1172  
Wake, Isabel 1242 1294 Beauchamp, Simon de Wake, Hugh Lord Winterbourne Stuteville, Joan De
Wake, Joan 1263 10 April 1300 Picot, Michael Wake, Baldwin le "Lord Bourne" Beauchamp, Ella De
Wake, Margaret 1299 29 September 1349 Plantagenet, Edmund, Forbes, John De  
Wake, Nicholas 1241 1264   Wake, Hugh Lord Winterbourne Stuteville, Joan De