This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wake. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Wake, Baldwin | 1137 | 29 September 1198 | Hommet, Agnes Du | Wake, Hugh DeClare, Emma Fitzgilbert |
Wake, Baldwin | 1183 | 13 July 1224 | Briwere, Isabel De | Wake, Baldwin Hommet, Agnes Du |
Wake, Baldwin le “Lord Bourne” | 1236 | 5 February 1282 | Quincy, Hawise De, Beauchamp, Ella De | Wake, Hugh Lord Winterbourne Stuteville, Joan De |
Wake, Geoffrey | 1065 | 1142 | Wake, Hugh Le | |
Wake, Hugh | 1101 | 1176 | DeClare, Emma Fitzgilbert | Wake, Geoffrey |
Wake, Hugh Lord Winterbourne | 1210 | 18 December 1241 | Stuteville, Joan De | Wake, Baldwin Briwere, Isabel De |
Wake, Hugh | about 1240 | 31 May 1315 | Wolverton, Joan De | Wake, Hugh Lord Winterbourne Stuteville, Joan De |
Wake, Hugh Le | 1030 | 1172 | ||
Wake, Isabel | 1242 | 1294 | Beauchamp, Simon de | Wake, Hugh Lord Winterbourne Stuteville, Joan De |
Wake, Joan | 1263 | 10 April 1300 | Picot, Michael | Wake, Baldwin le "Lord Bourne" Beauchamp, Ella De |
Wake, Margaret | 1299 | 29 September 1349 | Plantagenet, Edmund, Forbes, John De | |
Wake, Nicholas | 1241 | 1264 | Wake, Hugh Lord Winterbourne Stuteville, Joan De |