
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Radcliffe. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Radcliffe, Edward 10 November 1559 July 1643 Wortley, Eleanor  
Radcliffe, Elizabeth 1315 1405 Ince, Richard Radcliffe, William de Peasfurlong, Margaret de
Radcliffe, Ellen de 1302 1340 Urswick, Robert de “Knight of the Shire” Radcliffe, Richard De Baron Plessington, Isabella
Radcliffe, Joan Parr 1480 1560 Grubbe, Henry Radcliffe, Richard Le Scrope, Agnes
Radcliffe, Nicholas 1396 1455 Derwentwater, Elizabeth  
Radcliffe, Richard 1245 1326 Le Boteler, Joan  
Radcliffe, Richard 1301 19 July 1380 Leigh, Maud Matilda  
Radcliffe, Richard 1450 21 August 1485 Le Scrope, Agnes Radcliffe, Thomas Parr, Margaret
Radcliffe, Richard De Baron 1282 1324 Plessington, Isabella Radcliffe, Richard Le Boteler, Joan
Radcliffe, Richard de 1245 1326 Boteler, Joan le  
Radcliffe, Thomas 28 November 1422 25 November 1495 Parr, Margaret Radcliffe, Nicholas Derwentwater, Elizabeth
Radcliffe, William de 1280 1333 Peasfurlong, Margaret de Radcliffe, Richard de Boteler, Joan le