
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Povey. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Povey, Edward 1558 1567   Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth
Povey, Hugh 1562 1597   Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth
Povey, Jane 1560 1606 HALSEY, John Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth
Povey, Joan 11 December 1565 17 August 1608 Angell, William Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth
Povey, John 1535 28 September 1608 Hobson, Elizabeth Povye, David Sawyer, Elizabeth
Povey, Justinian 1567 1652 Ketterick*, Anne Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth
Povey, Lawrence 1564     Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth