This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Povey. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Povey, Edward | 1558 | 1567 | Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth | |
Povey, Hugh | 1562 | 1597 | Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth | |
Povey, Jane | 1560 | 1606 | HALSEY, John | Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth |
Povey, Joan | 11 December 1565 | 17 August 1608 | Angell, William | Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth |
Povey, John | 1535 | 28 September 1608 | Hobson, Elizabeth | Povye, David Sawyer, Elizabeth |
Povey, Justinian | 1567 | 1652 | Ketterick*, Anne | Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth |
Povey, Lawrence | 1564 | Povey, John Hobson, Elizabeth |