
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Stanley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Stanley, Agnes 1387 3 November 1444 Sherburne, Richard (Born Bayley) Stanley, William Hooton, Margarey De
Stanley, Almira 1819 18 November 1852 Lundy, Samuel P.  
Stanley, Cora N. 1875 31 July 1893 Hoyleman, Marcus Byron  
Stanley, Elizabeth 1429 23 September 1459 Molyneux, Richard  
Stanley, Elizabeth 1440   Stanley, Thomas Goushill, Joan
Stanley, Hannah Rachel 3 April 1855 8 June 1937 Pickel, George Washington  
Stanley, Isaiah Moses 24 June 1878 3 September 1958 Baer, Della M.  
Stanley, James 1441 1458   Stanley, Thomas Goushill, Joan
Stanley, John 1439 1485 Wever, Elizabeth Stanley, Thomas Goushill, Joan
Stanley, Joyce Nell 17 May 1927 14 March 1980 Christensen, Dean Bernard  
Stanley, Katherine 1430 1498 Savage, John Stanley, Thomas Goushill, Joan
Stanley, Margaret 1429 1459 Troutbeck, William Stanley, Thomas Goushill, Joan
Stanley, Okey Edward 12 June 1899 8 March 1948 King, Bessie Leota  
Stanley, Susan Frances 5 August 1844 7 March 1904 Mitcham, Clement  
Stanley, Thomas 1400 20 February 1459 Goushill, Joan  
Stanley, Thomas 1435 28 July 1504 Beaufort, Margaret, Neville, Eleanor Stanley, Thomas Goushill, Joan
Stanley, Walter De 1220 1285 Stanley, Wife Stanley, William Stoneley, Joan De
Stanley, Wife 1235 1285 Stanley, Walter De  
Stanley, William 1190 1248 Stoneley, Joan De  
Stanley, William 1330 1398 Massey, Alice De Stanley, John Hawksket, Mabel
Stanley, William 1360 February 1428 Hooton, Margarey De, Stanley, William Massey, Alice
Stanley, William 1447   Duckett, Alice  
Stanley, William 1473 3 March 1512 Harrington, Agnes Stanley, Thomas Goushill, Joan
Stanley, William de 1250 1311 Baumvile, Joan de, Stanley, Walter De Stanley, Wife