
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Seymour. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Seymour, Agnes 1 November 1841 10 January 1925 Spires, James B.  
Seymour, Cecilia 1337 26 July 1369 Cornwall, Geoffrey De Saint Maur, John
Seymour, Edward D. 22 January 1834 19 December 1909 Spires, Anna W.  
Seymour, Francis M 5 January 1838 9 January 1887 Sturgis, Sarah, Sturgis, Nancy Elizabeth  
Seymour, Jane 18 October 1567 1655 Bayley, Thomas  
Seymour, Jarred Jarrett 1 April 1832 7 March 1924 McCurley, Emeline, Sturgis, Hannah  
Seymour, John Granderson 11 November 1772 12 August 1858 Pulliam, Agnes Allen  
Seymour, Nancy 16 April 1816 4 January 1881 Sturgis, John R. Seymour, John Granderson Pulliam, Agnes Allen
Seymour, Sarah E. “Nettie” 6 December 1858 26 March 1917 Alford, William Daniel  
Seymour, [Living]     Bretz, [Living]  
Seymour, [Living]       Moreno, [Living] Bretz, [Living]