
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Strelley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Strelley, Elizabeth 1477 1571 Whaley, Thomas Strelley, John Willoughby, Sanchia
Strelley, John 1448 1501 Willoughby, Sanchia Strelley, Robert Kemp, Isabell
Strelley, John 1512 29 August 1559   Strelley, John Willoughby, Sanchia
Strelley, Margaret 1475 1489   Strelley, John Willoughby, Sanchia
Strelley, Robert 1423 1447 Kemp, Isabell  
Strelley, Robert 1475     Strelley, John Willoughby, Sanchia
Strelley, Sir Robert II 1418 12 March 1488 Kemp, Isabell