
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Keller. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Keller, Jacob 12 August 1770 24 February 1824 Rice, Magdalania Mary  
Keller, Jacob K. 1830 6 June 1962 Widders, Katie B., Keller, Thomas J Kay, Elizabeth
Keller, John R 23 February 1834 26 July 1889 Swaney, Nancy, Ellington, Sophia, Faulconer, Eliza Jane Keller, Thomas J Kay, Elizabeth
Keller, Mary Adelaide 15 February 1850 3 August 1912 Bullock, Merida Keller, Thomas J Kay, Elizabeth
Keller, Mary Magdaline 1829 10 May 1857 Farra, David R. Keller, Thomas J Kay, Elizabeth
Keller, Nancy K. Nannie 1833 1900 Cravens, Elisha G Keller, Thomas J Kay, Elizabeth
Keller, Octavia 1839   Furnish, Jeremiah Hayden, Keller, Thomas J Kay, Elizabeth
Keller, Sarah E 1838     Keller, Thomas J Kay, Elizabeth
Keller, Thomas J 1804 1852 Kay, Elizabeth Keller, Jacob Rice, Magdalania Mary
Keller, Tillie Mae 10 January 1890 29 October 1983   Keller, Jacob K. Widders, Katie B.
Keller, [Living]       Keller, Jacob K.