
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Falaise. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Falaise, Beatrice de 10 April 1085   Falaise, Fulbert de The Tanner Mackenneth, Doda
Falaise, Beatrice de 1022 10 April 1085 Vagena, Qunormau  
Falaise, Fulbert de The Tanner 980 1017 Mackenneth, Doda Styrbjornsson, Thorgils Styrbjornsson Sprakling, Sigrid Thorkill
Falaise, Herleva Arlette de 1003 1050 Normandy, Robert de I, de Wrenroc, Ranulph Falaise, Fulbert de The Tanner Mackenneth, Doda
Falaise, Walter 1005   Falaise, Fulbert de The Tanner Mackenneth, Doda