
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Nilsdotter. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Nilsdotter, Bengta 24 January 1770 16 June 1823 Andersson, Jöns  
Nilsdotter, Bengta Betty Benson 28 July 1849 27 March 1911 Bengtsson, Jöns (George Benson) Knagg, Nils Gummesson Svensdotter, Ingeborg
Nilsdotter, Inga 11 January 1844 10 May 1909   Knagg, Nils Gummesson Svensdotter, Ingeborg
Nilsdotter, Ingeborg 15 October 1789 7 July 1825 Larsson, Gumme Månsson, Nils Nilsdotter, Sissa
Nilsdotter, Maria 27 September 1847 16 October 1850   Knagg, Nils Gummesson Svensdotter, Ingeborg
Nilsdotter, Pernilla 27 December 1792 30 December 1855 Pålsson, Jön  
Nilsdotter, Sissa 15 December 1763 Månsson, Nils Olsson, Nils Gummesdotter, Hanna