
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hampton. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hampton, Abner 16 January 1723 February 1780 Webster, Rachel Hampton, Andrew Corey, Mary
Hampton, Andrew 1698 15 September 1748 Corey, Mary  
Hampton, Bertha 1682 1682   Hampton, John Capt. Mann, Mary Ann
Hampton, Caroline     Tate, John  
Hampton, Catherine Gill 1763 12 May 1838 Iiams, Thomas Sgt. Hampton, Thomas Gill , Catherine
Hampton, Edward 1740 May 1769   Hampton, William Catlett, Martha
Hampton, Elijah F 14 May 1824 10 April 1880 Kay, Sarah Sally  
Hampton, Elizabeth 8 May 1720 1770 Triplett, George Harrison  
Hampton, Elizabeth 10 April 1763 1 September 1836 Iiams, John  
Hampton, Elizabeth Gill 10 April 1763 1 September 1836 Iiams, John Hampton, Thomas Gill , Catherine
Hampton, George 1725 2 March 1779   Hampton, William Catlett, Martha
Hampton, John Capt. 3 March 1653 10 November 1718 Mann, Mary Ann Hampton, Thomas Rev. Wade, Mary
Hampton, John 3 June 1683 18 January 1748   Hampton, John Capt. Mann, Mary Ann
Hampton, Martha 4 October 1826 24 February 1876 Masters, Montreville B.  
Hampton, Mary 15 May 1681 1729   Hampton, John Capt. Mann, Mary Ann
Hampton, Mary 1764 1800 Iiams, William Hampton, Thomas Gill , Catherine
Hampton, Rachael 1726 30 March 1856 Morris, William Druary Hampton, Abner Webster, Rachel
Hampton, Richard 1720 25 December 1801   Hampton, William Catlett, Martha
Hampton, Sarah 1722 1784   Hampton, William Catlett, Martha
Hampton, Thomas Rev. 16 April 1623 12 October 1690 Wade, Mary  
Hampton, Thomas 8 April 1679 8 August 1740   Hampton, John Capt. Mann, Mary Ann
Hampton, Thomas Gill 1745 10 April 1795 , Catherine Hampton, William Catlett, Martha
Hampton, Wade 21 August 1683 4 February 1761   Hampton, John Capt. Mann, Mary Ann
Hampton, William 9 October 1685 13 March 1750 Catlett, Martha Hampton, John Capt. Mann, Mary Ann