
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Montacute. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Montacute, Ansger de 1041     Montaigu, Gozelon de
Montacute, Isabella de 1255 1308 Brent, Robert De Montagu, Simon de 1st Lord Montagu Custodian of Corfe & Beaumaris Castles Captain & Governor of the Fleet Saint Armand, Hawise de
Montacute, Maud de 1265 1308 Field, John de la Montagu, Simon de 1st Lord Montagu Custodian of Corfe & Beaumaris Castles Captain & Governor of the Fleet Saint Armand, Hawise de
Montacute, Willem 1070 about 1156 Monteacuto, Drogo De 1st Earl of Montacute Norman Knight
Montacute, William Bishopstone Montagu 7 May 1157 7 June 1217 Somerset, Isabel Monte Acuto, Drue de
Montacute, William de 25 June 1328 3 June 1397 Kent, Joan de, Mohun, Elizabeth de Montagu, William de Grandison, Catherine de
Montacute, William de 1360 6 August 1383 Fitz Alan, Elizabeth Montacute, William de Mohun, Elizabeth de
Montacute, Wlliam de 1180     Montacute, William Bishopstone Montagu Somerset, Isabel