
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Whaley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Whaley, Ann 1672 1712   Whaley, Theophilus Robert Mills, Elizabeth
Whaley, Elizabeth 1672 1752   Whaley, Theophilus Robert Mills, Elizabeth
Whaley, Hannah Eblen 2 January 1746 1821 Carter, Peter Whaley, James Jr. Higgerson, Hannah
Whaley, James 1674 1750 Young, Elizabeth Whaley, Theophilus Robert Mills, Elizabeth
Whaley, James Jr. 19 July 1728 12 October 1785 Remey, Lydia Ann, Higgerson, Hannah, Whaley, James Young, Elizabeth
Whaley, Joan 1670 1732   Whaley, Theophilus Robert Mills, Elizabeth
Whaley, John 3 November 1753 1807 Carter, Nancy Whaley, James Jr. Remey, Lydia Ann
Whaley, Lydia 13 May 1684 November 1753   Whaley, Theophilus Robert Mills, Elizabeth
Whaley, Lydia 1705 November 1753   Whaley, Theophilus Robert Mills, Elizabeth
Whaley, Richard 1499 23 November 1583 , Barbara, Brookman, Laura, Thwaite, Ursula Whaley, Thomas Strelley, Elizabeth
Whaley, Richard 1585 1610 Cromwell, Frances, Whaley, Thomas Hatfield, Elizabeth
Whaley, Samuel 1689 1782 Hopkins, Sarah Susannah Whaley, Theophilus Robert Mills, Elizabeth
Whaley, Theodosia 1674 1782 Spencer, Robert, Hopkins, Joseph Whaley, Theophilus Robert Mills, Elizabeth
Whaley, Theophilus Robert 1616 14 February 1720 Mills, Elizabeth Whaley, Richard Cromwell, Frances
Whaley, Thomas 1470 1491 Strelley, Elizabeth Whalley, Richard Esq Nottingham Leake, Elizabeth
Whaley, Thomas 1535 1582 Hatfield, Elizabeth Whaley, Richard Brookman, Laura
Whaley, Thomas 1719 1791 Remy, Barbara Whaley, James Young, Elizabeth
Whaley, William 1717 1790 Remey, Lydia Ann, Kincheloe, Elizabeth Whaley, James Young, Elizabeth