
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lovelace. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Lovelace, Agnes 1480 1540   Lovelace, William Peckham, Laura
Lovelace, Clifford Norman 7 May 1919 20 April 1995 Sliffe, Georgia Ellen  
Lovelace, Eleanor     Gaither, Jeremiah  
Lovelace, Johanna 1365 1417 Lovelace, John  
Lovelace, John 1360 April 1417 Lovelace, Johanna  
Lovelace, John 1430     Lovelace, Richard Eynsham, "Heiress of"
Lovelace, John 1478 6 April 1541 Harman, Mary Lovelace, William Peckham, Laura
Lovelace, Joyce 1505 Godden, Robert Lovelace, John Harman, Mary
Lovelace, Katherine 1433   Lovelace, Richard Eynsham, "Heiress of"
Lovelace, Margaret 1477 1495   Lovelace, William Peckham, Laura
Lovelace, Richard 1393 April 1466 Eynsham, “Heiress of” Lovelace, John Lovelace, Johanna
Lovelace, William 1435 3 September 1495 Peckham, Laura Lovelace, Richard Eynsham, "Heiress of"
Lovelace, William 1480 6 April 1541 Stevens, Alice Lovelace, William Peckham, Laura