
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hawksworth. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hawksworth, Arthur 1519 20 February 1592   Hawksworth, Thomas Acklome, Margaret
Hawksworth, Joanna 13 November 1532 15 July 1575   Hawksworth, Walter Pasliew, Jane
Hawksworth, Joanna 16 August 1548 15 July 1575 Crossland, John Thomas Hawksworth, Walter Pasliew, Jane
Hawksworth, Joanna 16 August 1548 15 July 1575 Crossland, John Thomas Jr. Hawksworth, Walter Pasliew, Jane
Hawksworth, Marina 1539 1565 Crossland, Thomas Hawksworth, Walter Pasliew, Jane
Hawksworth, Thomas 1489 1521 Acklome, Margaret Hawksworth, Walter Wentworth, Anne
Hawksworth, Thomas De 1463 1497 Wortley, Maud  
Hawksworth, Walter 1514 Wentworth, Anne Hawksworth, Thomas De Wortley, Maud
Hawksworth, Walter 1516 10 December 1547 Pasliew, Jane Hawksworth, Thomas Acklome, Margaret
Hawksworth, Walter 1516 10 December 1547 Pasliew, Jane  
Hawksworth, William 1530 20 February 1594   Hawksworth, Walter Pasliew, Jane