
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Normandie. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Normandie, Adelaide de 1002 1038 Ivrea, Renaud d' I Comte de Bourgogne Normandy, Richard de II King of England Bretagne, Judith de
Normandie, Agatha Matilda de 1064 1080 Galicia, Alfonso of VI Normandie, William de The Conqueror Flanders, Mathilda de
Normandie, Emmaline De about 980 Rouen, Gozelin De Vicomte  
Normandie, Richard De 1056 1081   Normandie, William de The Conqueror Flanders, Mathilda de
Normandie, William de The Conqueror 4 October 1028 11 November 1087 Flanders, Mathilda de Normandy, Robert de I Falaise, Herleva Arlette de