
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sidney. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Sidney, Anna 1384 after 1430 Harman, Walter Sidney, William Clumford, Alicia
Sidney, Dorothy about 1647 Cheeke, Thomas Sydney, Philip Leicester Cecil, Catherine
Sidney, Henry 1190 1268 D'Abernon, Maud Sidney, Roger Stopham, Eleanor
Sidney, Henry 1236 1276 Hussey, Mary Sidney, Henry D'Abernon, Maud
Sidney, John 1300 1325 Batisford, Helen Sidney, William Ashburnham, Elizabeth
Sidney, Margaret 1421 1503 Gaynsford, Nicholas Sidney, William Mitchell, Cecily
Sidney, Mary 1428 1450 Michelgrove, John Sidney, William Mitchell, Cecily
Sidney, Robert 4th Earl of Leicester 1649 11 November 1702 Egerton, Elizabeth Sydney, Philip Leicester Cecil, Catherine
Sidney, Roger 1170 1239 Stopham, Eleanor Sidney, Symon Mare, Margaret de la
Sidney, Symon 1105 1165  
Sidney, Symon 1145 1213 Mare, Margaret de la Sidney, William
Sidney, William 1130 1154 Sidney, Symon
Sidney, William 1275 1300 Ashburnham, Elizabeth, Ashburnham, Elizabeth Sidney, Henry Hussey, Mary
Sidney, William 1325 1355 Brokhull, Johanna Sidney, John Batisford, Helen
Sidney, William 1355 31 May 1428 Clumford, Alicia Sidney, William Brokhull, Johanna
Sidney, William 1355 1389 Clumford, Alicia  
Sidney, William 1389 8 October 1449 Mitchell, Cecily Sidney, William Clumford, Alicia
Sidney, William Penhurst Sussex 1355 31 May 1428 Clumford, Alicia Penhurst Sussex