
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wortley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wortley, Eleanor 1585 20 January 1667 Lee, Henry, Radcliffe, Edward Wortley, Richard Boughton, Elizabeth
Wortley, Francis 1534 1603 Swift, Mary  
Wortley, Jane 1450 1470 Woodrove, Richard Wortley, Nicholas DeTunstall, Isabella
Wortley, John 1358 3 September 1436 Haye, Elizabeth De La Wortley, Nicholas Lizours, Katherine
Wortley, Mary       Wortley, Nicholas Waterton, Elizabeth
Wortley, Mary 1380     Wortley, John Haye, Elizabeth De La
Wortley, Maud   1492 Hawksworth, Thomas De Wortley, Thomas FitzWilliam, Catherine
Wortley, Nicholas 1260   , Sibilla  
Wortley, Nicholas 1290 1 December 1347 , Lucy Wortley, Nicholas , Sibilla
Wortley, Nicholas 1318 1338 Wanneville, Elizabeth De Wortley, Nicholas , Lucy
Wortley, Nicholas 1338   Lizours, Katherine Wortley, Nicholas Wanneville, Elizabeth De
Wortley, Nicholas 1378 22 January 1448 Waterton, Elizabeth Wortley, John Haye, Elizabeth De La
Wortley, Nicholas 1410 1488 DeTunstall, Isabella Wortley, Nicholas Waterton, Elizabeth
Wortley, Richard 1565 25 July 1603 Boughton, Elizabeth Wortley, Francis Swift, Mary
Wortley, Thomas 1404     Wortley, Nicholas Waterton, Elizabeth
Wortley, Thomas 1433 9 August 1514 FitzWilliam, Catherine Wortley, Nicholas DeTunstall, Isabella