
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Mayo. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Mayo, Abner 23 November 1777   , Nancy Mayo, Richard George Manley, Lucy
Mayo, Benjamin 1775 before 1847 Sarah Mayo, Richard George Manley, Lucy
Mayo, Daniel 1785 after 1870 Pickens, Nancy Emilia Mayo, Richard George Manley, Lucy
Mayo, Elizabeth 1790 1847 Woolley, Doe Mayo, Richard George Manley, Lucy
Mayo, Francis 1789 1847 Woolley, Doe Mayo, Richard George Manley, Lucy
Mayo, George 1780     Mayo, Richard George Manley, Lucy
Mayo, James 1776 31 March 1840   Mayo, Richard George Manley, Lucy
Mayo, John Williamson 2 January 1789 10 January 1877 Woodson, Jane L., Abbott, Sarah Jane Mayo, Richard George Manley, Lucy
Mayo, Micajah 1795 April 1852 Brooks, Rachel Mayo, Richard George Manley, Lucy
Mayo, Nancy 1788   Harbin, John S. Mayo, Richard George Manley, Lucy
Mayo, Richard George 4 April 1750 15 November 1847 Manley, Lucy  
Mayo, Sarah 1786   Mayo, Richard George Manley, Lucy