This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Cornwall. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Cornwall, Agnes Canhiart | 1022 | 1056 | Bretagne, Eudes de I | Cornwall, Alain Canhairt Nantes, Judith |
Cornwall, Agnes Orguen de | 1020 | 1070 | Baalun, Dreux de II Comte de Penthievre | |
Cornwall, Alain Canhairt | 1000 | 13 April 1058 | Nantes, Judith | Cornwall, Benedict Budic Porhoet, Guinodeon de |
Cornwall, Alfrond Ap Justin de | Cornouaille, Alfrond ap Justin de | |||
Cornwall, Alice | 1489 | 1560 | Lee, Fulke | Cornwall, Richard Dudley, Joyce Sutton |
Cornwall, Benedict Budic | 1026 | Porhoet, Guinodeon de | Cornouaille, Diles Heiguer De Cornouaille, Alava De | |
Cornwall, Edmund De | 1382 | 1435 | Barre, Elizabeth | Cornwall, Richard De Merbury, Cecilia |
Cornwall, Edward De | 1388 | 1443 | Cornwall, Richard De Merbury, Cecilia | |
Cornwall, Elianor | 1384 | Mortimer | Cornwall, Richard De Merbury, Cecilia | |
Cornwall, Elizabeth | 1395 | 3 August 1468 | Corbet, Thomas | Cornwall, Richard De Merbury, Cecilia |
Cornwall, Geoffrey De | 8 September 1335 | 18 May 1365 | Seymour, Cecilia | Cornwall, Richard Bottringham, Sybilla De |
Cornwall, Henry De | 2 November 1235 | 13 March 1271 | Plantagenet, Richard De Cornwall Marshall, Isabel | |
Cornwall, Isabella de | September 1233 | 6 October 1234 | Plantagenet, Richard De Cornwall Marshall, Isabel | |
Cornwall, Joane | 1390 | Barre, De La | Cornwall, Richard De Merbury, Cecilia | |
Cornwall, John | 1400 | Cornwall, Richard De Merbury, Cecilia | ||
Cornwall, John De | 31 January 1232 | 23 September 1232 | Plantagenet, Richard De Cornwall Marshall, Isabel | |
Cornwall, Joyce | 1408 | Leighton, Richard | Cornwall, Richard De Merbury, Cecilia | |
Cornwall, Margaret Matilda | 1388 | 3 August 1468 | Wolcott, John | Cornwall, Richard De Merbury, Cecilia |
Cornwall, Nicolas De | 17 January 1240 | 17 January 1240 | Plantagenet, Richard De Cornwall Marshall, Isabel | |
Cornwall, Richard | 1300 | October 1343 | Bottringham, Sybilla De | |
Cornwall, Richard | 1470 | 1535 | Melbourne, Jane, Dudley, Joyce Sutton | Plantagenet, Thomas 6th Baron of Burford de Cornwall Lenthall, Elizabeth |
Cornwall, Richard De | 2 September 1360 | 10 January 1443 | Merbury, Cecilia | Cornwall, Geoffrey De Seymour, Cecilia |
Cornwall, Verpyn | ||||
Cornwall, William De | 1384 | 1468 | Cornwall, Richard De Merbury, Cecilia |