
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Gutekunst. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Gutekunst, Anna Maria 23 June 1821 8 October 1821   Gutekunst, Gottfried Zinser, Katharina Barbara
Gutekunst, Anna Maria 2 January 1857 4 February 1857   Gutekunst, Wilhelm Schwitzler, Katharina
Gutekunst, Barbara 10 March 1832 10 May 1900 Bross, Andreas Gutekunst, Gottfried Zinser, Katharina Barbara
Gutekunst, Bernhard 17 May 1858 2 July 1858   Gutekunst, Wilhelm Schwitzler, Katharina
Gutekunst, Eva Barbara 27 November 1855 Hauser, Jonathon Gutekunst, Wilhelm Schwitzler, Katharina
Gutekunst, Gottfried 12 April 1795 16 January 1840 Zinser, Katharina Barbara  
Gutekunst, Gottlieb 3 August 1832 8 April 1874   Gutekunst, Gottfried Zinser, Katharina Barbara
Gutekunst, Johann Wilhelm 20 May 1859     Gutekunst, Wilhelm Schwitzler, Katharina
Gutekunst, Michael 3 September 1830 29 April 1831   Gutekunst, Gottfried Zinser, Katharina Barbara
Gutekunst, Rosina 26 January 1829 19 May 1829   Gutekunst, Gottfried Zinser, Katharina Barbara
Gutekunst, Siegfried 3 September 1825 8 April 1891 Katz, Christina Katharina Gutekunst, Gottfried Zinser, Katharina Barbara
Gutekunst, Wilhelm 20 May 1823 24 June 1893 Schwitzler, Katharina Gutekunst, Gottfried Zinser, Katharina Barbara