
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Murray. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Murray, David of Tullibardine 1359 1446 Stewart, Isabel  
Murray, Irene Mae 16 May 1909 10 October 1977 Petersen, Arthur Paul  
Murray, Isabelle 1491 14 December 1518 Dicksone, Robert  
Murray, James     Stewart, Margaret  
Murray, James 1535 1598 , Sarah Murray, John Erskine, Janet
Murray, John 1513 Erskine, Janet Murray, William Cockburn, Agnes
Murray, John T 1836 1863 Whitwell, Sarah A.  
Murray, Margaret 1220 1250 Montgomerie, John de  
Murray, Margaret 1446 14 July 1486 Stewart, James Murray, Patrick Balfour, Katherine
Murray, Margaret 1467   Karr, Ralph Murray, Patrick Balfour, Katherine
Murray, Margaret 1550 1615 Hay, James  
Murray, Margaret 1555 1632 Magruder, John Murray, James , Sarah
Murray, Patrick 1422 1476 Balfour, Katherine Murray, David of Tullibardine Stewart, Isabel
Murray, Patrick 1425 27 February 1493 Balfour, Katherine, Balfour, Katherine  
Murray, William 1420 1459 Gray, Margaret  
Murray, William 1420 1459 Gray, Margaret  
Murray, William 1441 10 February 1525 Keith, Mary Murray, William Gray, Margaret
Murray, William 1441 10 February 1525 Keith, Mary Murray, William Gray, Margaret
Murray, William 1470 9 September 1513 Cockburn, Agnes Murray, William Keith, Mary
Murray, William 1470 9 September 1513 Cockburn, Agnes Murray, William Keith, Mary