
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Goodloe. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Goodloe, Ann 23 October 1681 24 April 1727 Crank, Thomas, Goodloe, George Weeks, Mary
Goodloe, Christopher 12 October 1643     Goodloe, Thomas Massey, Elizabeth
Goodloe, Dorothy 14 June 1640     Goodloe, Thomas Massey, Elizabeth
Goodloe, Elizabeth     Durrett, Robert  
Goodloe, George 26 April 1637 7 December 1710 Weeks, Mary Goodloe, Thomas Massey, Elizabeth
Goodloe, Henry 1674 2 May 1749 Weeks, Elizabeth, Goodloe, George Weeks, Mary
Goodloe, Katherine 1702 1748 Durrett, John  
Goodloe, Mary 23 October 1681 5 September 1744 Carter, William John III, Goodloe, George Weeks, Mary
Goodloe, Rauf 1477 24 September 1531 Standish, Anne Gidlow, John
Goodloe, Thomas 6 August 1616 1643 Massey, Elizabeth  
Goodloe, Thomas Robert 1515 23 June 1597 Gerard, Anne Goodloe, Rauf Standish, Anne