This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Goslin. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Goslin, Catherine | 1745 | 1802 | Smith, Daniel | Goslin, Ezekial Masters, Elizabeth |
Goslin, Elizabeth | 1749 | 2 December 1790 | Carter, John, | Goslin, Ezekial Masters, Elizabeth |
Goslin, Ezekial | 1713 | May 1765 | Masters, Elizabeth | |
Goslin, Ezekial Jr. | 1756 | 6 March 1774 | Bartiett, Margaret | Goslin, Ezekial Masters, Elizabeth |
Goslin, Ezekiel | 1682 | 1716 | Veatch, Elizabeth | |
Goslin, John | 1755 | Davis, Judith | Goslin, Ezekial Masters, Elizabeth | |
Goslin, Tryphenia | 1743 | 1802 | Goslin, Ezekial Masters, Elizabeth |