
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Goslin. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Goslin, Catherine 1745 1802 Smith, Daniel Goslin, Ezekial Masters, Elizabeth
Goslin, Elizabeth 1749 2 December 1790 Carter, John, Goslin, Ezekial Masters, Elizabeth
Goslin, Ezekial 1713 May 1765 Masters, Elizabeth  
Goslin, Ezekial Jr. 1756 6 March 1774 Bartiett, Margaret Goslin, Ezekial Masters, Elizabeth
Goslin, Ezekiel 1682 1716 Veatch, Elizabeth  
Goslin, John 1755 Davis, Judith Goslin, Ezekial Masters, Elizabeth
Goslin, Tryphenia 1743 1802   Goslin, Ezekial Masters, Elizabeth