
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Robertson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Robertson, Elizabeth Ann 3 December 1709 1775 Stone, William  
Robertson, George 1662 1739   Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor
Robertson, James 1655 1705 Clouston, Janet Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor
Robertson, James 1680   Robertson, James Clouston, Janet
Robertson, Jane 5 January 1812 5 January 1868 Walker, Norvel  
Robertson, Janet 8 October 1678 1735   Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor
Robertson, Jean 1684   Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor
Robertson, Jean 1695 Tait, James, Robertson, James Clouston, Janet
Robertson, Jeffery 1654 1734   Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor
Robertson, Jesse “Jerry” William 22 October 1899 24 October 1988 Carver, Della Leola  
Robertson, John 1530 1599 Petrie, Isabel  
Robertson, John 1653 14 January 1691   Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor
Robertson, John 1670 5 December 1720   Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor
Robertson, Margaret 1508 February 1607 Hay, George  
Robertson, Nathaniel 1666   Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor
Robertson, Nicholas 12 August 1665 12 May 1718   Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor
Robertson, Robert 22 November 1722     Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor
Robertson, Thomas 1658 1692   Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor
Robertson, William 1571 1629 Mitchell, Anna Marie Robertson, John Petrie, Isabel
Robertson, William Rev. 1620 23 January 1708 Mackenzie, Mary, Pitcairn, Eleanor Robertson, William Mitchell, Anna Marie
Robertson, William II Royal Historiographer 1675 1756 Nisbett, Mary Robertson, William Rev. Pitcairn, Eleanor