
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Somerville. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Somerville, Elizabeth 1340 1390 Gordon, John Somerville, Philip Pype, Margaret De
Somerville, Elizabeth 1413 1447 Campbell, Archibald Somerville, John De Hepburn, Helen
Somerville, Joan 1298 8 October 1376 Ap Griffith, Rhys Somerville, Philip Pype, Margaret De
Somerville, John De about 1362 about 1420 Hepburn, Helen  
Somerville, John de 1228 OLIPHANT, ELIZABETH  
Somerville, Margaret 1298 8 October 1376 Ker, Thomas Somerville, Philip Pype, Margaret De
Somerville, Philip 1278 23 January 1356 Pype, Margaret De Somerville, Robert De Merlay, Isabel De
Somerville, Robert De 1258 1296 Merlay, Isabel De Somerville, John de OLIPHANT, ELIZABETH