
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Neely. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Neely, Jane 1 September 1774 5 March 1850 Sturgis, Joshua  
Neely, John 1625 Selge, Susan  
Neely, John Selge 1657 1695 Rankin, Martha Neely, John Selge, Susan
Neely, John William Henry 15 June 1795 12 February 1838 Sturgis, Cynthia Jane  
Neely, Matthew James before 1787 Sturgis, Nancy  
Neely, Robert 1690 1730   Neely, John Selge Rankin, Martha
Neely, Susanna 1690 1713 Davies, John A. Neely, John Selge Rankin, Martha
Neely, Thomas 1695 1756   Neely, John Selge Rankin, Martha
Neely, William 1726 8 December 1778 Carrington, Eleanor  
Neely, William Henry “W. H.” 5 April 1817 30 January 1885 Schooley, Frances Alberta, Sturgis, Rebecca