This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Neely. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Neely, Jane | 1 September 1774 | 5 March 1850 | Sturgis, Joshua | |
Neely, John | 1625 | Selge, Susan | ||
Neely, John Selge | 1657 | 1695 | Rankin, Martha | Neely, John Selge, Susan |
Neely, John William Henry | 15 June 1795 | 12 February 1838 | Sturgis, Cynthia Jane | |
Neely, Matthew James | before 1787 | Sturgis, Nancy | ||
Neely, Robert | 1690 | 1730 | Neely, John Selge Rankin, Martha | |
Neely, Susanna | 1690 | 1713 | Davies, John A. | Neely, John Selge Rankin, Martha |
Neely, Thomas | 1695 | 1756 | Neely, John Selge Rankin, Martha | |
Neely, William | 1726 | 8 December 1778 | Carrington, Eleanor | |
Neely, William Henry “W. H.” | 5 April 1817 | 30 January 1885 | Schooley, Frances Alberta, Sturgis, Rebecca |