
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Cooper. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Cooper, Albert August 1882 21 September 1882   Cooper, Albert Wilson Eoff, Mary Frances
Cooper, Albert Wilson 26 September 1860 28 September 1882 Eoff, Mary Frances  
Cooper, Boone Wilson 22 February 1872 18 May 1963 Holmes, Mary Artemissa “Molly”, Grumbles, Mary E.  
Cooper, Bunah Wason 8 September 1895 31 December 1953 , [Living] Cooper, Boone Wilson Holmes, Mary Artemissa "Molly"
Cooper, Carwin Lee 19 October 1929 1 August 2002 Van Hoosen, Shirley Cooper, Gilbert Bernard Butler, Stella Mabel
Cooper, Charles Thomas 12 December 1882 26 January 1970 Sevier, Nancy Carolyn “Carrie”  
Cooper, Dennie Mae 3 August 1901 15 November 1995 New, Carl F. Cooper, Boone Wilson Holmes, Mary Artemissa "Molly"
Cooper, Elizabeth 21 January 1672 1704 Frazee, John  
Cooper, Elizabeth C. 7 April 1843 20 December 1920 Bowman, Andrew J.  
Cooper, Frank Joseph 16 October 1885 29 March 1963 Hamilton, Ida Mae  
Cooper, Gilbert Bernard 7 May 1903 9 August 1979 Butler, Stella Mabel  
Cooper, James H     Bryant, Rebecca  
Cooper, James Thompson 21 March 1923 11 November 1995 Montgomery, [Living], Thompson, [Living] Cooper, Lester McCurtain Coleman, Ruby A.
Cooper, Jesse Earl 14 January 1899 27 November 1953 Naylor, Fern C.  
Cooper, Lester McCurtain 12 January 1898 28 June 1963 Coleman, Ruby A.  
Cooper, Lovina Cassandra 21 November 1851 30 August 1915 Cameron, Malcom  
Cooper, Martha 15 March 1577 17 August 1674 Sampson, John  
Cooper, Mary Jean “Mollie” October 1866 1923 Holmes, Lewis Tucker “Tuck”  
Cooper, Mittie Maude 24 March 1898 22 June 1984 Allen, Charles W. Cooper, Boone Wilson Holmes, Mary Artemissa "Molly"
Cooper, Nancy about 1806 October 1858 Crow, Reuben  
Cooper, Pauline Mar 21 October 1912 15 July 1980 Hester, Leroy Preston Cooper, Charles Thomas Sevier, Nancy Carolyn "Carrie"
Cooper, Roma Jean 17 May 1931 28 January 2018 Ault, Raymond Robert Cooper, Gilbert Bernard Butler, Stella Mabel
Cooper, [Living]       Cooper, [Living] Cooper, [Living]
Cooper, [Living]       Cooper, [Living] Cooper, [Living]
Cooper, [Living]       Cooper, [Living] Cooper, [Living]
Cooper, [Living]     Schulz, [Living] Cooper, [Living] Cooper, [Living]
Cooper, [Living]       Cooper, [Living] Schulz, [Living]
Cooper, [Living]       Cooper, [Living] Allenbaugh, [Living]
Cooper, [Living]       Cooper, Jesse Earl Naylor, Fern C.
Cooper, [Living]     Bran, [Living] Cooper, Charles Thomas Sevier, Nancy Carolyn "Carrie"
Cooper, [Living]     , Bonnie S., Cooper, Charles Thomas Sevier, Nancy Carolyn "Carrie"
Cooper, [Living]       Cooper, [Living] Bran, [Living]
Cooper, [Living]     Cooper, [Living] Cooper, James Thompson Montgomery, [Living]
Cooper, [Living]     Cooper, [Living] Cooper, [Living] Callaway, [Living]
Cooper, [Living]     Allenbaugh, [Living] Cooper, [Living] Cooper, [Living]
Cooper, [Living]     Callaway, [Living]